March 1, 2010 - Panama City
Apparently, after the U.S. gave control of the canal to the Panamanians in 2000, the Chinese have been buying up the cargo facilities on either side of the canal. There is a large Chinese population in Panama City.
We found few services close to the anchorage, so had to taxi our huge load of laundry to a lavanderia and were told it would be ready at 4:30 and would cost $21. That's a lot for laundry but we had a lot of dirty clothes and some other errands to run with the taxi. Anyway, when we returned for the laundry, the Chinese clerk wanted $40 for it. We paid, Steve told the taxi driver who became incensed and went to the police. The police went back to the laundromat with us and after lots of arguing and tension, we split the difference and got back 10 of the $40. We now have clean, but expensive, clothes, sheets, and towels. There is more than one divide in Panama.
You'd think with 30 boats in the harbor at time in one of 2 anchorages, there would be a laundromat, cafe, wifi, drug store, etc. close at hand. No. It's a mile walk to the wifi cafe and store, and a bus or taxi for laundry. I'm looking forward to the first world again.
New Crew
Gary and Karen flew home to Wisconsin the first week of March. Three new crew -- Gary from England (and Madeira), Dan from U.S. (most recently Orlando, FL), and Clive from Spain (but currently residing in Panama) -- joined us for the next leg of our trip. To keep matters simple, they all go by the name "Brian" so we all don't have to remember new names in a pinch. Future blog entries will feature escapades of the blue-eyed sailors. (Steve's gray eyes turn blue in a blue environment, such as the ocean.)