Cabo San Lucas - The last leg was really just an overnighter, but what a ride! We had 10-20 knots from the start and up to 25 or so most of the way. We rode the spinnaker on the pole all day and night (freaking out me) and pulled it down an hour after we crossed the finish line, 22 hours later. There's a story there. Some of the quotes go like this:
Brian-"I was airborne twice,"
Steve-"Susan, you steer."
Steve-"I should've woken up before I decided what to do."
Around Town

We anchored, got the dinghy out, loaded it with some ripe laundry, and headed into town. Cabo is quite different from the relative wilderness we've been in the past how many days? What day is this?
For another take on the Haha, see Latitude 38's (the sponsor) web site:
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3