We spent a week in La Paz. Some of us spent it getting over Montezuma's Revenge. Kat and Brian explored the city and Brian sampled his share of the six peso fish tacos available on almost every corner. Steve got the boat checked in to customs, met with a canvas guy to order new covers for some of the boat's outside fixtures, and did some other mechanical fixups.

Los Islotes
It's hotter here than I remember. After a week in the heat, we left for nearby Espiritu Santo Island. The next day, Steve and Brian dove at the sea lion colony at nearby Los Islotes. Steve has trouble diving because of ear issues, but was able to go deeper than before on this dive. So they went again the next day. I ventured in a for closer look with my snorkel on and got back out quickly when a big sea lion dove underneath me. Still, Los Islotes is a special place -- wild, and alive with sea lion barking.

We stayed out a few more days, visiting anchorages on the island's less visited east side. It was hot, the beach was white, and the water was aqua. Kat went for a swim and got stung by "string of pearls." This is basically a tentacle from a man-of-war jellyfish. The water was loaded with these and we all got stung, but Kat was very sensitive and didn't fare very well. Vinegar, cortisone cream, benadryl, tequila: these work. We did a little snorkeling.

We returned from Espiritu Santo the day before Thanksgiving. After being gone five days we needed to wash the boat, replace the depleted refrigerator contents, and get Kat some medicine. Steve and I had a great turkey dinner for mucho dinero at a nice restaurant then attended a classical guitar concert at the cathedral in town. Ruben Barranco - par excellance!

Every time I take a walk, my back hurts so I went to a chiropractor for the first time today. I got a cab at 8:00 and we eventually found the doctor across town 30 minutes later. The doctor and I conversed in Spanglish. The massage was great and two pops of my back and neck later, I was smiling again. Dr. Ramses Orozco is good and charged me 250 pesos plus tip (around $25 US). I'm going back next week for a follow up.
Roz in La Paz
Finally, someone has put together a web site for other gringos about what's happening in La Paz. RozinLaPaz.blogspot.com.