So far we've caught five crabs and only 11 (delicious, sweet) prawns. We got a new prawn trap which will hopefully increase the haul. Steve says, "Picking crab and swilling beer is why I'm here." When we got tired of plain crab, I made crabcakes, and my are they tasty.

Surf and Turf
The little grocery store in Lund carries a good selection of food and supplies, but here at the end of the earth, the prices are exhorbitant: celery $4, cereal $7.50. We're just glad to be able to get what we need. Thankfully, coffee is reasonably priced.
I've just spent a couple hours with a hook in the water and no fish to show for it. We sailed to Drew Harbor, near the town of Campbell River, about 15 miles by sea from Lund, on Saturday June 21. There is a nice walking path on the strip of land here known as Rebecca Spit. The view of the jagged peaks to the east is beautiful and thankfully we've had sunny weather to see them. And what'd'ya know -- a wifi Internet connection on the boat.

Litha 2008
June 21 was the summer solstice, celebrated by ancient Celtics as the midsummer in a festival called Litha. We didn't do anything special to celebrate, but it was a sunny day at a beautiful anchorage and we had a nice sail. Daylight happens around 4 a.m. and lasts until around 10:30 p.m. up north here.